Urban Art

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Norbait animatuko litzake hau "Bilore" fabrikan egiten? ;-)


erakusketa / exposición

Nagore Amenabarro

07/08/10 · 11/09/10

aurkezpena / presentación
Abuztuak 07 Agosto (20:00 )

GKo Gallery Kale Nagusia 4 · 20400 · Tolosa · Euskal Herria

 Those are some great photos from "Tehran Live", daily photos from Tehran. Skaters in Ab-o Atash park.

 Eleven artist were given a refreshing assignment: Create a one to three minute long film for viewers of two years and up. The result is an ‘’audio-visual picture book” which deserves a place in the world of both children and art.

Marbles rolling against a wall, kitchen utensils playing together rhythmically, balls bouncing against an opening bridge, a potato being peeled away to nothing. The films have a recognizable starting point and from there explore all corners of the imagination, to end in a subtle plot.

'Chocolade haas' (Chocolate bunny), made by Lernert Engelberts en Sander Plug, is an episode from the preschool art project 'Big Art For Little People'.

The series 'Big Art for Little People' is produced by Cut-n-Paste for KRO Youth, in association with Dutch Culture Fund (Stifo).

Ya falta menos pa llegar a tolosa. Despues de 15 dias a mas de 30 grados un pocoquillo de frescura vendra bien. Esta es la primera vez que subo un post oseaque aber como sale.
Bueno ba ondo segi ta engo gea